Emerging Leaders



Develop Your Leadership Skills!

This opportunity is open to librarians who have been working professionally for less than 5 years, and working in New Jersey for less than 5 years. This program will consist of five full-day sessions from November through March. Presenters with various backgrounds within the NJ library community, and beyond will lead discussions and interactive sessions that will encourage attendees to learn about leadership, explore their own leadership style while networking with other emerging leaders. Attendees will also meet State Library and NJLA leaders and learn about the structure of NJLA. Additional topics will be announced; the sessions will be on:

  • Thursday, Nov 14, 2024
  • Thursday, Dec 12, 2024
  • Thursday, Jan 9, 2024
  • Thursday, Feb 13, 2025
  • Thursday, Mar 13, 2025

The cost of the five sessions is $200; registration fee covers lunch and the cost of materials. Meetings will be held at various public library locations in New Jersey from 10am-3:30pm; participants agree to attend all five days of sessions. Space is limited!

Upon completion of the Emerging Leaders Program, participants agree to volunteer for an NJLA committee or section for 2 years, 2025-2027. Attendance at the Annual NJLA Conference is highly recommended. 

To apply, fill out the google form application, cover letter introducing yourself, a resume, and a statement of support signed by your Supervisor through the google form. If you have questions, please email [email protected].  NJLA membership is required to apply.

Questions asked in the Google Form: 

What do you wish to get out of this program?

What skills or traits do you value in a library leader?

How would you go about continuing to build that skill set after the Emerging Leaders program?

Application Link

The deadline for applications is Oct 1, 2024

Applicants will be notified by Oct. 21, 2024

Sponsored by NJLA Professional Development Committee, 
Leadership & Education Subcommittee