A Look Back at NJLA in 2024

Posted By: Alicia Gough -C News and Announcements,

The past year was an incredibly successful one for you and your NJLA colleagues. I want to take a moment to highlight that success. Specifically, I want to share a remarkable infographic that Alicia Gough, NJLA’s Office Manager, put together to document what you achieved.

We have hundreds of new members. If you’re one of them, Welcome! If you’ve been around for a while, please be sure to help your newer NJLA colleagues learn how NJLA works. In particular, please welcome and support the members of NJLA’s new Sections and join them in their work.

We’ve had great legislative success. That’s because of you: the important work you do, the esteem in which you’re held, and the outreach you did to elected officials.

As you can see, that’s only part of the story. There is more than a score of pictures in the infographic, and it’s worth far, far more than 20,000 words.

--Brett Bonfield, NJLA Executive Director