NJLA Groups
Committee, Section, and Task Force Information
- Leadership Center: Resources for committee and section members
- Creating a new section
- Join a section:
Coming soon
Committees and Subcommittees
Committee members are appointed by the Executive Board. Committee members fill roles vital to the ongoing success of the organization. Each year from March to June, members are welcome to fill out the Committee Selection Form FORM NEEDED
to select the committees they are interested in joining.
- Finance - Review major income-generating activities and advise the Executive Board on matters pertaining to the association's finances.
- Fundraising - Manage fundraising projects.
- Investment - Manage investment and scholarship funds.
- Member Services - Identify and address the needs of NJLA members, promote and enhance membership services, and more.
- Archives and History - Retention and preservation of archival material pertaining to NJLA.
- Nominations and Elections - Recruit nominees for leadership positions and assist in elections.
- Personnel Administration - Reports developments in the area of personnel management to membership, maintains the NJLA Salary Guide.
- Member Communications - Explore and recommend effective modes of communication for NJLA and it's members.
- Newsletter Editorial Board - Oversee all aspects of the quarterly newsletter.
- Scholarship - Develop scholarships and determine awards winners.
- Professional Development - Identify and develop opportunities for professional growth for membership.
- Conference - Plan and organize all activities relating to the annual NJLA Conference.
- Conference Futures - Review past NJLA Conferences and make recommendations for future conferences.
- Leadership and Education - Encourage participation in leadership roles in NJLA and provide training for potential leaders.
- Public Policy - Monitors legislative initiatives and advocates for legislation to support libraries and library workers.
- Intellectual Freedom - Educate and inform membership, assist members, and act on challenges about matters relating to intellectual freedom.
- Public Relations - Publicize the activities of the organization.
- Honors & Awards - Recommend appropriate honors and awards to recognize individuals or groups for meritorious accomplishments, and organize the Honors & Awards ceremony at the annual NJLA Conference.
- Conference - Plan and organize all activities relating to the annual NJLA Conference.
Sections are member organized groups formed around a common work or interests. Members may join or leave at any time. Each year, members elect their section's executive board to lead the group.
- Administration and Management - For members that supervise staff and manage operations at various levels within libraries.
- Children's Services - Supports youth services librarians.
- Circulation and Access Services
- County Libraries - Supports library workers from county libraries.
- Diversity and Outreach - Works to promote library services and eliminate barriers for underserved communities.
- History and Preservation - For members with an interest in archival collections care and preservation.
- Library Workers of Color - Support for library workers of color through social and educational events and mentorships.
- NJ Academic Librarians (formerly College and University) - Works to enhance the effectiveness of academic and research libraries.
- Marketing and PR - For members to exchange ideas and resources for promoting their libraries and programs.
- Readers Advisory - For members interested in book discussion groups, reading genres, publishing trends, and collection development.
- Reference and Adult Services - For shared interest in reference-related and adult services.
- Retired Members - Develops programs of interest for retired library staff, promotes lifelong professional development, and provides mentoring opportunities.
- Social Work in Libraries - Support for library social workers and library workers challenged with the evolving social needs of patrons.
- Small Libraries - For meeting the challenges of a working in a small library.
- Sustainability and Resilience - For those interested in sustainability practices and disaster preparedness for libraries.
- Technical Services and Collection Development - Provides programming and resources for those interested in collection development.
- Technology - For the exchange of information and resources relating to IT systems and makerspaces.
- Urban Libraries - Support for library workers facing challenges specific to urban environments.
- Young Adult Services - For those serving teens and young adults to discuss programming ideas and supporting teens in the library.
Taskforces are temporary groups created by the Executive Board for a very specific purpose. The current taskforces are listed below.
- Apprenticeship and Certifications
- Equity and Mentorship
- Mini-Grants
- Performance Measurement
- Permanent Construction
- Statistics and Data