Newest Member of the NJLA Team: Melissa Johnson
Newest Member of the NJLA Team: Melissa Johnson
I have the pleasure of introducing you to Melissa Johnson, the newest member of the NJLA team. Melissa joins us with over 20 years of meeting planning experience. As with her other major client, the Public Library Association (PLA), she will work with NJLA as a remote consultant. The biennial PLA Conference’s superb educational sessions and outstanding keynotes draw thousands of library workers and rave reviews. Her decades of success, as well as her understanding of PLA’s committee structure, makes her the ideal person to help NJLA continue to expand and improve its conference,, forums, and other in-person events. Melissa will join us in Atlantic City to make sure the Annual Conference runs smoothly, and will provide operational support for half- and full-day meetings, trainings, and retreats for NJLA Sections and Committees.
NJLA’s recently completed strategic planning work made it clear that NJLA Members value professional development and networking opportunities. Events and meetings are one of the most important ways that NJLA fulfills its mission: “Developing library workers, uniting the library community.” They are also central to how NJLA exhibits each of its core values: Professional Development; Transparency; Member Engagement and Collaboration; Sustainability; Advocacy; Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility; Unite All Library Workers and Advocates; and Joy and Community.
As NJLA serves its growing membership and additional Sections, we are adopting lessons from library associations that have similar participation levels. Volunteer leadership opportunities need to be available to as many NJLA members as possible, and every NJLA volunteer and meeting participant deserves to have a great experience. That requires NJLA to provide professional expertise that supports volunteers leaders’ vision, ensuring they get to focus on the parts of the volunteer work that they love.
Getting together in person with peers from outside our workplace is more possible in New Jersey than almost any other state. By adding Melissa Johnson to the team, NJLA is better able to take advantage of our resources and meet our members’ expectations.
Brett Bonfield, NJLA Executive Director