Standing Up for Intellectual Freedom - Tell Us Your Stories

News and Announcements,

Standing Up for Intellectual Freedom - Tell Us Your Stories

The rise in attacks and challenges on library collections and programs have led to unwarranted attacks on library workers – but New Jersey library workers set an example every day by their steadfast determination in support of intellectual freedom. Have you been affected by challenges to materials, services, or programs? Has this new environment affected your work, sense of safety, job security?

The NJLA Intellectual Freedom subcommittee is collecting first-person accounts from New Jersey library workers about the impact of intellectual freedom challenges, patron interactions around intellectual freedom issues, and any stories that help to document the current intellectual freedom environment and its impact on library workers and working conditions. We’ve set up a form (link below) that can be filled out anonymously but will help us to better understand the stress New Jersey library workers are under at this time. We’re interested in stories from library workers at all levels of library work and all types of libraries.

Please take a few moments to share with us the impact that the current challenges to library materials, programs, and services have had on you and your library.  All submissions are confidential but may be used (without mention of individual or library) to help to demonstrate the extensive pressure so many library workers are under at this time.

Fight for Intellectual Freedom: Share Your Stories.
Thank you.
This form is only open to current NJLA members.