NJLA Executive Board Full statement - Black Lives Matter |
Black lives matter. NJLA acknowledges the structural racism in our organization and profession, and NJLA must do better. Action Plan 1:We value the perspectives that diverse membership brings to NJLA. We will recruit a diverse slate of candidates for the Executive Board to ensure that multiple perspectives have a voice in our organization. Action Plan 2: Ensure all library staff knows that they are welcome to all of our meetings and that they can sign in with ZOOM to attend virtually Action Plan 3: Research how we may be able to restructure NJLA to ensure that we are meeting the needs of everyone in all parts of the state Action Plan 4: Examine the structure of NJLA that may prevent black and minority members from participating in NJLA leadership Action Plan 1: Ensure all of our meetings, trainings and workshops are accessible to all of our members Action Plan 2: Offer discounts and/or free admission to our paid events, membership and trainings to librarians and library workers who may experience financial hardship. Action Plan 1: Offer a diverse group of trainings for library administration. Example: removing systemic racism in your library policy, practices and processes that privilege or disadvantage people based on race, ethnicity, and/or socio-economic status
PDF Version: https://www.njla.org/assets/NJLA%20Full%20Statement.pdf |