NJLA Executive Board Full statement - Black Lives Matter

Black lives matter. NJLA acknowledges the structural racism in our organization and profession, and NJLA must do better.
NJLA Executive Board Full statement - Black Lives Matter
The New Jersey Library Association stands in solidarity with the Black community, librarians, library workers, library users and with members of the communities we serve. We want our Black, People of Color and marginalized members to know you are valued, affirmed and supported. NJLA acknowledges that in order to continue moving forward, there needs to be consistent work towards recognizing our own biases, welcoming change and taking actions that impact policies and create positive change in the direction of equity and inclusion.  
Goal 1: Make NJLA a more equitable organization 

Action Plan 1:​We value the perspectives that diverse membership brings to NJLA. We will recruit a diverse slate of candidates for the Executive Board to ensure that multiple perspectives have a voice in our organization. 

Action Plan 2: Ensure all library staff knows that they are welcome to all of our meetings and that they can sign in with ZOOM to attend virtually

Action Plan 3: Research how we may be able to restructure NJLA to ensure that we are meeting the needs of everyone in all parts of the state

Action Plan 4: ​Examine the structure of NJLA that may prevent black and minority members from participating in NJLA leadership
Goal 2: Inclusive Engagement 

Action Plan 1: Ensure all of our meetings, trainings and workshops are accessible to all of our members

Action Plan 2: Offer discounts and/or free admission to our paid events, membership and trainings to librarians and library workers who may experience financial hardship.
Goal 3:  Dismantle hidden biases 

Action Plan 1:  Offer a diverse group of trainings for library administration. Example: removing systemic racism in your library policy, practices and processes that privilege or disadvantage people based on race, ethnicity, and/or socio-economic status
Action Plan 2:  Offer a diverse set of trainings for library staff.  Example: dealing with individual privilege, unconscious and implicit biases and racism.  
NJLA will put these steps into effect immediately and continue to strive to support all of our members to the best of our ability
Issued by the NJLA Executive Board in collaboration with Keisha Miller, President, NJLA Library Workers of Color Section.


PDF Version: https://www.njla.org/assets/NJLA%20Full%20Statement.pdf