Section Creation
In accordance with the bylaws of the New Jersey Library Association, a section is formed to promote library service and librarianship within and for a particular type of library activity, or to identify, discuss and promote action on issues not limited to a particular type of library activity.
In order to request the creation of a new section, this request must be documented by at least 15 individual members of the Association engaged in the topic of the proposed section. This request must clearly state the purpose of the proposed section. The request form is accessible by all members of NJLA on the NJLA website. (
Initial approval of sections by the NJLA Executive Board will be provisional for a period of two years in which viability and activity of benefit to members may be demonstrated. On completion of the provisional period, the section must provide a record of officers and bylaws as determined by the section membership along with the request for organizational status to the Executive Board, which will consider action to grant organizational status, extend the provisional period, or recommend discontinuance.
In assessing sections for viability and activity of benefit to members, the criteria to be applied by the Executive Board shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
- The section has officers, bylaws, and at least 15 members
- At least two section Executive Board and/or membership meetings each year
- Minutes of section meetings are recorded and distributed appropriately
- The section communicates with the section membership (newsletter, electronic or print mailings, announcements through the NJLA website, office, or newsletters)
- The section produces a minimum of two programs, focused meetings, or specialized products each year (i.e. Garden State Book Awards)
- Section leadership attends any meetings or files any reports as requested by the Executive Board
In the event that a section which has been granted organizational status becomes inactive or does not function towards accomplishment of its responsibilities and objectives, the Executive Board shall establish an appropriate time frame for the section to restore activity or correct deficiencies prior to considering a recommendation for discontinuance.
The officers of the section shall be notified by the NJLA President that a recommendation for discontinuance may be considered by the Executive Board. A section may be discontinued by a vote of the Executive Board when notice has been provided at the previous meeting only if cause for such a recommendation can be provided.
Sections wishing to recommend a name change can do so by a majority vote of their membership, in accordance with their bylaws. All updates to section officers, name, object, or other changes to the bylaws must be provided to the Executive Board and the NJLA Office after the change is approved by the section’s membership.
Sections may issue publications and in general carry on activities along the lines of their own interests subject to the restrictions imposed by the bylaws and the Executive Board of the Association. Only the Executive Board may authorize any section or task force to commit the Association as such to any declaration of policy, any program, any activity, any publication, or any financial expenditure.
Meetings shall be open to any member of the Association, but no person may vote in a section meeting unless a duly enrolled member of the section.
Revised June 3, 2021
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