Promoting events

Leadership Center > How to promote your work and events

how to promote your work and events

There are a number of ways the NJLA office can help you promote your work and events to NJLA membership. Members want to hear what you are up to!




njla promotional channels

 NJLA Calendar
Get your event listed on the NJLA calendar. Anything added to the NJLA Calendar will also be added to the Friday newsletter. [Submit an event]

 Social Media
NJLA has a Twitter or Facebook account where we're happy to post news and events from committees and sections. Graphics optional but highly recommended. [Promote your news or event]

 Friday Newsletter
The Friday Newsletter is delivered weekly to all NJLA members and features a section exclusively for committees and sections to get news out about their groups and promote programs. These are small bite-sized blurbs suitable for a digest-type email and not intended for press releases, articles, etc. but you may link to these in your newsletter blurb. Generally, newsletter submissions do not run for more than six weeks. Blurbs must be submitted by Thursday 3 pm at the latest as the newsletters are often scheduled ahead of time and last minute additions may not make it into the newsletter. Not accepting graphics, blurbs should be under 300 characters. [Promote your news or event]

 Quarterly Newsletter
The NJLA Newsletter Subcommittee is always looking for contributors. This is a great place to submit articles or other longform content. Contact the editor to submit an idea at [email protected].